Thursday, May 26, 2011

Posting to Wanda & LaTonya

Due to the difficulties in posting comments to blogs, I am following the example of my classmates and posting my responses here:


I love the way you began with "All tools on deck!" I agree wholeheartedly. I would add one thing - sometimes what works one time won't work another, and vice versa. Motivation and need do play a role in learning, as well. I learn differently today than I did when I was in high school. (mostly because of age...I think! ha!)

Nice post! Thanks!


I agree - technology provides us with ways to change our teaching to meet the changing needs of our students all the time! With new advances and programs and tools constantly appearing, it can seem overwhelming to many teachers as they struggle to master yesterday's tools. I sometimes wonder if one problem with gaining teacher support with technology integration is the it too fast for some of them?


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